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Updated: Jul 28, 2020

I think it was around 2016 that the Gaia channel was introduced, or it could just be that I discovered it around then. Before that time there wasn't much readily available information on anything metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric or consciousness related that one could easily access and get information. These subjects weren't underground as such, just a little minor and somewhat obscure. Thinking back, I remember looking at Project Camelot Youtube videos on an internet service that took about 10 mins to download every show! How things are so much easier now, and so many awakened and awakening people now; things are changing for sure.

I'm really grateful to for really bringing this topic in to the mainstream; it's a treasure chest full of interesting programs, movies, documentaries and information that will help you stimulate (or blow...or confuse) your mind.

From seeking truth, yoga, transformation and spiritual growth, there's a wealth of information that you can find and enjoy on this channel. Having been practising yoga on and off now for almost 20 years, their video classes are a nice companion.

But the seeking truth programs are what I enjoy the most...can it all be true?! Some topics are extraordinary and hard to believe, but fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable to watch nonetheless! I've gotten to know and learn about so many people and topics that I did not know before, and have found new leads and doorways to information that takes my down a new rabbit hole. I've lost count of the areas I've jumped in to and explored; and every week the information just keeps on coming, fantastic!

Recommended for those hungry to learn and soak up information.

Interested? Its a subscription site ($9.95 per month), but well worth it in my humble opinion.

Check out the website at:

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